Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Splendid China

Last weekend I went to Shenzhen for a visit. I took the MTR to Lo Wu and then rode on the Shenzhen Metro.

I went to Shenzhen to visit a theme park. It is called Splendid China and it has many of the famous sights from all over China. The famous sights and places are miniature versions of the real thing.
I saw things like the Great Wall of China and many carvings and beautiful buildings.

Splendid China also has a Folk Cultural Village where it has all the people who live in China and their special houses, buildings, food and way of life. It is very interesting.

I also had some Jasmine tea in a traditional Tea House and saw some horses, goats and ducks in the park.

Splendid China is a beautiful place and there is lots of things to see and learn about there. I enjoyed my visit very much.


Daphne said...

hello Miss Amy,you have a good trip that day.I want to go to there to.I just go to there once time only.the GreatWall was very long,many people need to spend more than one hour to walk .Do you spend your time to walk?


miss amy said...

Hi Daphne,
I liked Splendid China very much and I would also like to go back and visit again. I hope you also can visit another time.
The Great Wall was very long but I am not sure how long it took me to walk it. I did a lot of walking around the park and I was very tired!

Thank you very much for reading my blog and posting a comment!

vanessa@4B said...

Hello Miss Amy!I Vanessa at 4B.I want to go to there to.That are beautiful.Can you spend your time to walk?^^

Natalie said...

Hello Miss Amy,I am Natalie from P.4B
happy to know you more

timleung said...

Thank you for your introduction. Your blog is very interesting. I know that you went to Shenzhen for a visit. Do you like Hong Kong? Do you go shopping in Hong Kong? Please tell me.

Beverley So said...

Hello Miss Amy,Splendid China is
the most beautiful park,I hope I can go to Splendid China .

Beverley So 4b