Monday, October 5, 2009

Shek O

On Saturday it was a lovely day so I decided to visit Shek O village and beach.
I had not been there before but people have told me that it is a lovely place.
The village has many shops selling things for people to use at the beach such as beach umbrellas, beach mats and even boards for using in the waves. There are also many restaurants in the village and I had lunch at a restaurant which is right on the beach!

I went swimming and the water was very warm, there were some waves but they were not too big.
There were many people at the beach and some of them were preparing for the lantern festival later in the evening.

I enjoyed my visit to Shek O and I think that you should visit too with your family.


NADIA said...

Hi!Miss Emy.I have never been to Shek O.But I went to Stanley to play wind-surfing during my last my summer holiday. Have you ever tried it bepore?

Angela said...

Hi!Miss Amy.Although I never went to Shek O,I thinkthere is very beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Miss Amy. I never go to Shek O, But on last satday, I went to Sham Tseng BBQ. I had a happy satday.