Monday, September 28, 2009

Two Holidays in One Week.

This week we are very lucky to have National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival.

National Day this year is the 60th celebration for China and there have been many different events before 1st October. On Thursday there will be carnivals and fireworks at night.
I am looking forward to the fireworks the most, Hong Kong has amazing fireworks displays and I can see them from my apartment.

If you would like to see what is happening on National Day, check this website:

I hope the weather is fine on Saturday for Mid-Autumn Festival otherwise we won't be able to see the full moon.

What are you going to do on these two holidays?

1 comment:

tiffanylao said...

I was going to park to eat moon cake and played with my sister.I like Mid-Autum Festifal too!

tiffany lao