Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A button to my blog

Hello again.
Now, you can find my blog by going into the English part of the school intranet homepage and then clicking on my photo. It's not a very nice photo but I don't mind.
Thank you to Rita and Angee who have already read my blog and made a comment.

I thought that I would post some photos of New Zealand that I took when I went there at Christmas time. I hope you enjoy looking at them and you can ask me questions about the photos or anything about New Zealand.
This photo is of me and there is the beautiful sea and trees behind me. It was a hot day. The photo was taken at a Macadamia Nut Orchard. That is where they grow the trees and pick the nuts off the tree for people to eat. They also made delicious ice cream!

I will add some more photos later so you can have a look at them.


William said...

I like this picture. Did you eat the nuts? Are they sweet?

Does New Zealand have many sheeps? Do you like drinking the sheep's milk? Is it sweet?

Thank you for teaching my class.

miss amy said...

Hi William,

I bought some nuts and some ice cream, the nuts were delicious and they taste quite sweet and some are salty.

New Zealand does have a lot of sheep. New Zealand has more sheep than people! I have not tried drinking sheep's milk because I don't like drinking milk and not many people drink milk from sheep in New Zealand. People prefer drinking cow's milk.

Thank you for writing a comment on my blog.

cecily said...

Dear Amy,

That is a lovely picture. I wish I could go to New Zealand one day and visit your family there.


即是Miss Au said...

Amy, I love your blog. It is really interesting! Hope you will continue to tell us more about your life.

You are perfectly right about the Ching Ming Festival. We believe that the door of the hell would open on the Ching Ming Festival. And we would take this opportunity to bring wine and food to our ancestors when visiting their graves. We would also burn some paper money, paper car, etc in the hope that they could “live” comfortably.

The scenery is really fantastic in New Zealand! Where do you live? South island or North island? I hope I can visit there after I have seen the movie “The Lord and The Ring” (But the traveling time to New Zealand is too long to me - It takes about 10 hours to get there. I’m really afraid of taking long trip). Looking forward to your photos.